Photo of Marcia Schechter

JFS Milestone Moments: Marcia Schechter

Every milestone and life cycle are worth recognizing and commemorating at JFS. Marcia Schechter is the JFS outreach coordinator who reaches two milestones this September: 18 year work anniversary and turning 85 years young. JFS is honored to recognize this extraordinary woman and to share her journey.

18 years ago, JFS saw the needs for older adults to have staff visiting their homes. Marcia was recruited by the late Phyllis Ringel, who was Executive Director at the time, due to her nursing background. Some of the people she visited had problems articulating their thoughts due to medical or cognitive issues, but sitting with nonverbal individuals was not an issue for her.

Marcia currently visits 40 individuals at 16 residences across the Lehigh Valley. She visits with clients for up to an hour delivering the Hakol newsletter and a handwritten note on a variety of relevant topics from what is going on in her life, in the Jewish world, or information about the holidays. She wants to help connect people to Israel, our LV Jewish community, and to their identity.

Many people that she’s helped lived in other communities and they moved to be closer to adult children. Moving to a new community and living in long term care residence, they might be the only Jewish person residing there. She finds receiving the newspaper, and discussing holidays and traditions makes a big difference. For the holidays, she also gives each client a goody bag filled with sweet treats.

Her favorite part of the job is getting to know the people and guiding each through the challenges of aging. Marcia strongly believes that JFS really helps older adults. When clients’ need more support, Marcia often helps connect them to Carol Wilson, the JFS social worker, to assist them further. It provides both her and the individual with comfort and connection.

Marcia has helped countless individuals through her work as the outreach coordinator. She continues to be an inspiration to the staff and volunteers through her love and dedication to her work.

Debbie Zoller, JFS executive director, stated “Marcia’s kindness and willingness to approach older adults who are isolated in their communities has a tremendous impact. The most fragile individual may express their emotions as Marcia holds their hand and provides unconditional support.”

JFS wishes Marcia a happy 18 years at JFS and 85th birthday!

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